My Nomination for Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

My Nomination for Educator of the Year

June 6, 2018
By EthanYaakovian BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
EthanYaakovian BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a great teacher? I have an awesome teacher. As a freshman I had no idea what to expect. Senior Chief McClain made me feel like I truly belonged in his class and made everyone feel like they belonged at DMA. Senior Chief McClain is a great guy and a great role model.

I know Senior Chief deserves to win the “Educator of the Year Contest.” If he doesn’t win I can’t imagine who will because he is the best teacher any student could ask for. No other teacher has ever taught, made

jokes, or loved their students like he does. Those are a few things about Senior Chief and why he deserves to win this contest.

             Senior Chief grew up in Philadelphia, and he said

he always knew since he was a little boy that he wanted to get out of there and have a career when he was older. Senior Chief was an honors student throughout school and liked to run. Later, he decided to join the Navy. Senior Chief has many great stories about his experiences in the Navy. After being in the Navy he became a teacher, and is now a Naval Science teacher.

       Senior Chief is probably the funniest teacher I have ever

had. Senior Chief never fails to put a smile on his cadets’ faces or cheer them up with a joke or two on a Monday, or anytime of the week. Also, Senior Chief McClain is always happy and never negative. Anytime my class is tired or upset, he always talks about the positives. Senior Chief is also the most caring teacher I have ever had. He always tells the class that no matter what he is always there for us and that we can always come to him. Senior Chief is always there for us, and he always tries to help us. Based off all of the examples I talked about, I’m sure you can tell what kind of person Senior Chief McClain is.

    Last,he’s affected many people’s lives in such a positive way. The first thing he does is always encourage us to have

good character, and he inspires us to have better character. Like I said, he always tells great stories. Although most of them are funny, a lot of them are about his experiences. He teaches us many life lessons that help many of us make good choices and think about what the right thing to do is. Senior Chief teaches us things like personal hygiene, bullying, the Navy, and etc. He teaches all of these lessons while making it

fun. Senior Chief has positively impacted many peoples lives including mine.

In conclusion, Senior Chief McClain is a great guy and a great teacher. I am so glad that he is my teacher; he has taught me so many things that I will need in the real world. Based off what he does, his personality, and how he has impacted peoples lives, I truly believe he deserves to be nominated for Educator of the Year. Senior Chief is one of those teachers that I think I am going to remember throughout my life.

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