Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

June 6, 2018
By MartinIvanov BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
MartinIvanov BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I would like to nominate my Naval Science Teacher Master Sergeant Howie as Educator of the Year. Since the first day I was in his class, I just loved it, and he has left a lasting impression on me. To me he is like the perfect teacher; he is enthusiastic about what he teaches us, but he doesn’t talk forever about the material adding in unnecessary info, and he always grabs my attention very well when he is speaking in front of the class.

MSGT Howie has an amazing personality and not a lot of people dislike him.

He always speaks loudly and has the attention of most of the class, and if the class is drowsy or somewhat unresponsive, he will usually make a joke or yell out something related to the material, scaring the class awake and most people think it’s funny afterwards especially when it wakes up someone who was sleeping. He is also always so happy, and it puts me in a good mood to be in his class everyday; and his positivity affects everyone making the class happier as a whole and more cooperative than other classes.

His classes are always great too; his class is always the part of the day that I usually look forward to, and lucky for me I have his class early in the morning. He will often start telling us a story related to the topic of whatever we are learning on that day, and they are always great; he will often tell us about his time in the Marine Corps, or he will have various equipment to show us like a helmet or a telescope. The material he teaches us really sticks in my mind because of the enthusiasm he teaches the material with, and I have an easier time remembering the material later on.

MSGT Howie is also a role model for me and many other people in my school. We have fairly strict dress standards for our uniforms that we are expected to meet everyday, buy MSGT Howie meets the standards perfectly, and his uniform always look amazing. He has one of the best personalities of any of my previous educators and is overall my favorite, and a lot of people look up to him.

In conclusion MSGT Howie is an amazing educator and I look forward to being in his class everyday and I hope I can be in his class for the upcoming years. He’s my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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