Mr. Hill | Teen Ink

Mr. Hill

June 6, 2018
By ZReid BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ZReid BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Remember those really cool teachers you used to have that you can always think of and smile? I can think of a few, but one that stands out is Mr.Hill, my science teacher for 8th grade.

He was a really cool, laid back guy that always made me and the whole class smile. He made learning a lot of fun, and he had us looking forward to attend in his class everyday.

Mr. Hill was a great role model for me in middle school; He stood up for what was right and had a good set of ideals. He was also very smart and nice; he would often make jokes in class, and I never used to like science until I had his science class. I remember a time I was getting bullied,
and he stepped in and got the bullies to back off, and I thought that he was the coolest person ever.
He isn’t just a great teacher; he is also a volunteer firefighter and also recently he had a child, and I bet he is a great dad. He found new and cool ways to teach and fun ways to learn even days where we only took long boring notes, he made really fun. He was also popular among the teachers; I remember hearing about him in 7th grade, and I couldn’t wait to get to 8th grade to have him as a teacher.
He was like a friend to us. He had his inside jokes with us, and we all had a fun time, and I
learned a lot from him, not only as a teacher but as a friend and, I hope he continues to teach like how he did with us. He was also strict but fair, and he stood by his word and the rules while still having a good time.

This is why I feel Mr. Hill should be the Educator of the Year because not only has he done so much for me and other students as a teacher and now a dad, but he helped the community he lived in and made his mark as a firefighter. He enlightened as he, saved and he lives on as one of my favorite teachers of all time

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