Mr. Walker | Teen Ink

Mr. Walker

June 6, 2018
By Tinabucksner BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Tinabucksner BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a teacher so good you don't mind coming to their class everyday? Well I have. Mr. Walker is a educator at Delaware Military Academy;  he is by far the best teacher I've ever had, and he has had an amazing impact on my freshman year. Mr. Walker has always been a effient and impactful teacher, and this year his class really touched me. Though I've loved all my teachers this year,  Mr. Walker really stood out to me because he has obvious passion for teaching. Mr. Walker is everything I look for in a teacher.

I had Mr. Walker in the first half of the year, and I had him everyday day last block. As a end of the day class Mr. Walker made the content he was teaching fun and easy to learn. He had class discussions, had a quiet learning environment, and he made  jokes once in awhile. I believe Mr. Walker deserves the Educator of the Year award because he is an overall good person, has a drive to teach, and he brightens everyone's day. Mr. Walker is always there for you, and he is easy to talk to.

Mr. Walker has been teaching at DMA for three years now, and he teaches civics and a senior elective. Many students see Mr. Walker as a mentor because he is also the 4th ranked in the state lacrosse coach. Mr. Walker enjoys Costco the wholesale club, and he has a love for crossfit. In college Mr.  Walker played lacrosse. All teachers, students, and parents love Mr. Walker.

Mr. Walker has had an impact on my high school experience because he taught me studying skills, debate skills, and how to keep up with my high school workload. I've also learned how to manage a hour and 20 minute class period by using my time wisely. Having Mr. Walker in the beginning of the year really set me up for the rest of the school year because in his class you experience what highschool is actually like. Though civics is not an easy class; Mr. Walker motivates you to do nothing but your best. This year I have been inspired by Mr. Walker to try new things and branch out to new ideas.

Mr. Walker's attitude brighten my day because he never failed to make me smile. Every single day he comes in seeing everything as a new day and ready to teach. Mr. Walker is very organized and always has something new planned everyday. Everyone can agree their favorite part of Mr. Walker's class is debating. Mr. Walker teaches cadets how to debate because it is a learning experience. Mr.Walker finds a fun and organized way to have the students debate in a tournament.

To conclude, I’ve had many good teachers in the past, but Mr. Walker stands out to me because he is passionate. I’ve had an amazing half of a year with him, and i hope i can have him as a senior in the future. Mr. Walker starts the day new with every student and treats everyone equally. I am extremely fortunate to meet someone so amazing. There is no better candidate for Educator of the Year because Mr. Walker has a drive like no other that I’ve seen in any other teacher.

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