Mrs. Foxwell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Foxwell

June 6, 2018
By emilyjones123 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
emilyjones123 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had that teacher that one teacher you can't forget about? I'm not saying a bad teacher that you can't forget about, I’m talking about, the good teachers that leave such a great impact that it changes how you see things or even changes your life. I think we have all had this teacher, but if you haven’t, let me tell you about one. Her name is Eva Foxwell, and she changed my life. Mrs. Foxwell is there for all her students, and she always has a smile on her face; she teaches kids how to work hard and get by in the business world.

Mrs. Foxwell didn’t have all the help she needed when it came to the business world, but she still made by just fine. The one thing that she taught me was that you don't need to know everything, but it helps you a lot of you do so it won't be as hard in life. Mrs. Foxwell started in the business world when she was young, and she grew, but it took awhile because she had to learn everything on her own. She went from being a cubical lady to one of the upper chairman of the company, but this didn't happen over night; she worked and worked even though she had no help, but she never gave up. She may have cried a couple times, but that's what you need to do sometimes to let off the heat of something. Trust me I do it too. Never in any of her stories has she said she gave up; she kept fighting for what she had to do even if she didn't like it. She taught me even if you have no idea what you're doing, you can learn how to do it. She even taught us how to start our own businesses, and she had us get cards and get stuff to make people interested in our business; she taught this in 7&8 grade. I never thought about making my own business until then.

Another thing she taught me is work ethic. Now let me tell you I never even thought of my future or how I was going to get there until I had her class; she taught me how to interview and how to work on my time management which really helped. I didn't know what high school I wanted to go to until she made us research all the high schools and find what ones we wanted, and then from there she helped me see how I could get into them and what I needed to do in order to get ready for any interview I had which I was so ready for them.

Mrs. Foxwell has many great things about her like how amazing her personality is she always has the biggest smile on her face. I have never met someone who could brighten up a room by them just being there. She has this staying that will stick with me for as long as I can remember it “you don't have to like me, but you do have to respect me.” Which I think is very true and everyone should know it, it will help people in jobs. I personally think but I don't know have anyone could not like her. She has many sayings, and she loved to call people goosey if they mess up or something; it would make everyone laugh. When you did something right, she would let you know you did something right by giving you a reward.

Mrs. Foxwell is one of the most kindest people ever she does everything in her power to make sure her students are successful in anything they do. Mrs. Foxwell taught me stuff that I will always keep with me all throughout my life. I think I'll be much better in the business world because of her I wish I could say more than just write this essay to thank her because she deserves so much for all she does. I just want to say thank you to Mrs. Foxwell for everything she has done to help.

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