EOY | Teen Ink


June 6, 2018
By Leaonise12 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Leaonise12 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ms. Boots: funny, caring, and everything you could ask for in a guidance counselor, but she wasn’t just my guidance counselor. She was my best friend someone I can depend on even on my bad days or when I needed life advice. She’s a person I can talk to no matter the subject. If I needed her, she’ll be there in a snap of a finger.

Ms. Boots is the best guidance counselor you’ll ever meet even in her bad days; was she always willing to help. If I could pick her best characteristic, I would say her power to understand and knowing exactly what to do; she knew how to make me feel better. She always understood! She understood that I had different opinions and she knew those opinions, got me into trouble, but she’s so great she knew how to get me out of those misunderstandings. I guess you can say she was my “fix it Felix” of my middle school career.

Ms. Boots was my absolute best friend like I’m saying you wouldn’t see one without the other. She was like a mother figure always checking how I did in class, if I ate or not, if I didn’t she would give me goldfish until lunch time. I all around appreciate her so much! She was the one who help me with my application for DMA, and I could tell you that she was so proud and excited for me when I made it in. I remember she threw her hands in the air and had a big smile on her face. I was so proud of myself; I knew all my hard work had paid off, and it was amazing to see her so happy. She helped me with so many things, and she always had my back; she guided me through things I couldn’t do myself. She was there when I needed her.

Ms. Boots is a hardworking person that doesn’t get enough credit for what she does. She deserves to get nominated Educator of the Year because I want her to know she’s a big piece in my education and life because she helped me get to where I am now and that means so much me to and so does she.

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