Why I'm Thankful for America's Veterans | Teen Ink

Why I'm Thankful for America's Veterans

January 4, 2019
By Abril12 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Abril12 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

As an athlete, I stand tall and proud before every volleyball game as we sing the National Anthem. During this time, I think about how proud I am to be an American. I also think about what the flag represents: service, sacrifice and bravery. I show appreciation and gratitude for you fighting for our country. As I stand and salute the flag, I imagine what it must have been like for you entering into the military at the same age as me. I also want to welcome you home!

I had the opportunity to watch the Honor Flight in my Creative Writing class and it made me think how much I appreciate veterans like you. It makes me so happy that you sacrificed your life only when you were 18 years old to serve for our country. I can’t even imagine what you must have felt entering into the military and putting your life on hold. Ending school and not getting a degree, and instead you decided to serve for our country. Watching and hearing the heroic stories of American soldiers protecting our country makes me appreciate what you sacrificed in life.

I am honored to be able to say “welcome home” and I truly hope that your experience today on the Honor Flight makes you feel appreciated. I hope you feel recognized and celebrated because you deserve a warm welcome home. I am grateful for you and the many soldiers who have and continue to serve our country. I want to say thank you again for sacrificing your life at such a young age and fighting for our country to have freedom. You deserve all of the recognition and appreciation that you are receiving on this day and more.



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