Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

May 2, 2019
By mm13289 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
mm13289 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

First off, I feel honored to be able to write this letter to you. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for you. I truly appreciate your courage, strength, and dedication you have for this country. There are not enough ways for me to thank you for all that you have done, but I would like you to know that you are appreciated. It brings me tremendous excitement that you have the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. and I hope you have marvellous experience because you deserve it!

I am currently a Junior in High School. I will be looking into colleges to attend soon, but I cannot imagine the thought of heading into war as you did around my age. I am beyond grateful that there are people like you who were so strong and courageous at such a young age.

I also have a great grandpa who is a WWII veteran and a grandpa who is also a Vietnam veteran and they both play such a large part in my life and my family’s. They are some of the most supportive and loving people I know and I appreciate them and all they have done just as I appreciate you. You deserve so much love and appreciation for your service. Welcome home!

Although I could not come and thank you in person, I hope this letter does some justice as you deserve all of the thanks and welcomes in the world. Welcome home to  all of the love and support you deserved so long ago. I hope you had an unforgettable experience in Washington D.C. and once again welcome home!

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