Thank You for Your Service | Teen Ink

Thank You for Your Service

May 2, 2019
By 0scharmer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
0scharmer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Army Veteran,

First off, I would like to thank you for everything that you have done for me and this country. Although many take for granted their freedom, I don’t. I have two grandfathers and two cousins whom have all served in the military, and I truly understand what you all have sacrificed for the country.

My name is Jacob and I’m a high school junior in Hartland, Wisconsin. I'm writing to you because you are a hero and you deserve to be recognized as one. You have made more sacrifices in your life then most can ever dream of, and you did it for us. You never stopped and asked for anything in return, you just did it because you cared about us. To me that is truly remarkable and that is why I view you as a hero.

At this time of my life I’m preparing for college and to get a job, however you took a much different path. At a young age you decided that you were going to risk your life for our country. You decided that the huge sacrifice that comes with joining the military wasn’t bigger than your dedication for our country. For that you deserve nothing less than anyone’s respect.

There are no words to describe how great of a human you truly are. I hope your able to realize how special and influential you are to so many young minded people around our country. I look up and aspire to be as good as a man as you one day. I believe what you did by signing up is amazing.

I just want to say one more time thank you.Thank you for everything you have done for this country. Your sacrifice to this country will not be left unnoticed. You deserve to be treated like a hero for everyday of your life. I will forever be grateful for people like you.

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