Thank You to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You to a Veteran

May 2, 2019
By le_goose SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
le_goose SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

I cannot thank you enough for the sacrifice you made when you joined the military to fight for our country. I would like to be able to thank you in person, but I am unfortunately unable to so I hope this letter will do.

My name is Ryan, and I am a high school junior in Hartland, Wisconsin. While I do not feel the call to serve I have had a few family members that have served their time for our country. One of my grandpas served in Germany during peacetime. And my other grandpa served in Vietnam on the USS Intrepid. I would like to talk to my grandpa that served in Vietnam about his experience but it never seems to come up. I wanted to write to you because I wanted to thank you for what you have done and to wish you a wonderful Honor Flight trip.

I would like to thank you again for putting your life on hold to fight for our country and sacrificing your time for those who didn’t do the same. I hope that your time in Washington D.C. was an amazing time and well worth the trip. I certainly hope that it is a trip worthy of the hero that you are, and one you will remember for the rest of your life.

Now it has been my understanding from school and from little that I’ve heard from my grandpa that your initial welcome home left something to be desired, so on that note, I would like to give you a great big welcome home that a hero deserves. I hope that you have a great rest of the trip home and that the rest of the Honor Flight, and their crew treats you well.

If you have the time to write back I would be honored to hear your story.



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