Thank You for Your Service | Teen Ink

Thank You for Your Service

May 2, 2019
By al2539 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
al2539 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

When I wake up every morning, I wake to the sound of birds chirping, not gunshots or explosions. When I leave my house, I go without worrying that if I leave, I may never return. When I look through my windows as I drive, my vision is not clouded by smoke and the sight of destruction; I see rolling fields of green and blue skies. In the summer, the night sky is filled with fireworks and I am surrounded by laughter and celebration as our flag dances freely in the wind. Fortunately, we live in a country where we can celebrate our freedoms. Every day, I am grateful for my secure and stable life—one that so many fought and died for. In my opinion, America is the land of the free, because of the brave. I am beyond grateful for your service and sacrifice.

My name is Alexandria M. I am seventeen years old and I am a senior in high school. At this point in my life, my greatest concerns are prom, getting good grades, preparing for college, and spending time with my friends and family. I live a sheltered life in a country that is protected from the dangers that so many others face. When you and your fellow Vietnam veterans were around the same age as me, I imagine that your biggest concerns dealt more with survival. You were dealt one of the heaviest burdens one can possibly carry, and you were given no alternative. Although no one else will truly understand the hardships you endured or the horrors you witnessed, I am truly grateful for everything you sacrificed for this country.

I am saddened to learn of the treatment of Vietnam soldiers upon arriving home. After putting your life on hold to fight for our country, you were evidently denied the appreciation you deserve. I hope that this time around, you and your fellow veterans receive the welcome home that you truly deserve. I acknowledge the sacrifices you had to make, the loved ones you had to leave, and the life you were forced to put on hold. Above all, thank you for your service and welcome home.

If you have the time and are willing to share, I would love to hear more about your story.



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