Thank You Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You Veteran

May 2, 2019
By 9wesolowski GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9wesolowski GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

First of all, I want to commemorate you on everything you have done and gone through for our country. You have sacrificed so much in order for others to live their lives. After watching the Honor Flight movie, I felt extremely inspired to write to a veteran myself since I have never given a proper thank you to one. I understand that when you came home from war, you were stripped from the proper welcome home that you deserved. It makes me so unsettled and disappointed that so many strong, brave, and courageous servicemen and women never received the love and appreciation they deserved. That being said, Welcome home!

My name is Brooke, and I am a senior in high school. As I am going off to college next year, I can’t even begin to imagine putting my life on pause and going to war in order to serve our country. You have immense strength, both physically and mentally, to have been willing to risk your own life for the benefit of others. I commend you for such a tremendous and selfless action this was to do.

I never really understood the importance of thanking a veteran until my grandpa received a military funeral which moved me greatly. He enlisted himself into the Army at 17 years old and served as a medic. The entire service gave him and his service immense honor for everything he had done. That was the day that I realized how much our veterans have truly done for us.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I am beyond grateful for you and your willingness to serve our country. Without such strong and dedicated servicemen and women that our country was able to have, America would never be as it is today. You have changed everyones lives for the better and that deserves infinitely more than what you once received after coming home from war.

I am sincerely thankful for your bravery, courageousness, and sacrifice. I hope today was an amazing experience with the Honor Flight and you receive the welcome home you have always deserved when you step off the plane today. I would love to hear more about your story if you have time to write back.

Welcome Home!


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