Father, Henry S. | Teen Ink

Father, Henry S. MAG

By Anonymous

   The other day I overheard somekids talking about their heroes. They all named someone famous, athletes andmusicians. I started thinking about who my hero is, and he's not someone you willknow by his name or face. His name is Henry, but to me he is just Dad.

Myfather was in the Air Force for 20 years and worked hard every day to keep thepeople of America safe, but this is not why he is my hero. He is my hero becausethree years ago, when he was standing outside our house at 6 a.m. waiting for hisride to work, the house next door caught fire. Part of the roof blew off andlanded in front of the house, trapping five people inside. Without thinking abouthimself, my dad ran over and was able to move most of the roof away from thefront door. Then he ran inside to bring everyone out of the house.

By thetime the fire department arrived, the house had almost burned to the ground.

My father won many awards for this act, including the Carnegie Medal.*Even after winning this award, my father will still look you in the eye and sayanyone would have done the same thing. But I don't think too many would have puttheir own life at risk to save people they really did not know. This is why myfather, Henry S., is my hero.

*"A civilian who voluntarilyrisks his or her own life, knowingly, to an extraordinary degree while saving orattempting to save the life of another person is eligible for recognition by theCarnegie Hero Fund Commission" - www.carnegiehero.org

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i love this so much!