untitled | Teen Ink


November 5, 2015
By 6purnell SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6purnell SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tears fall from her face as she sees him step off the plane. This is the first time she has seen her husband after nine months of deployment. As they greet each other, he meets someone he has never met before: his 4 month old daughter. Overwhelmed with joy, the family is united.
I just described a YouTube video of a soldier coming home. These coming home videos see on the internet are especially touching because you see how emotional and joyful the families are to see their loved ones after months.
Even though it was hard for them to be separated from their families, they do it to serve their country. For this sacrifices each person serving our country has my utmost respect. The flag serves as a reminder of thankfulness  and respect for those who serve and honor America.
Every morning when we recite the pledge to the flag, we are giving our respect. We take a part of day to remember the brave men and women who have risk their lives for our freedom. 
At every sporting event, when we sing the national anthem to the flag, we are giving our respect. We acknowledge that without the sacrifice the soldiers have made, our nation would not be possible.
When a fallen soldier is buried, he is buried with the flag as symbol of respect. As the soldiers carry him to his grave.cWe stands in silents and honor the red white and blue draped over his casket.  `
Our nation's heros are the brave men and women who protect our lives and fight for our freedom. Every flag serve as a reminder of the sacrifices these soldiers have made for our county. When they return home they are not only welcomed by their families but a nation of open arms and a waving flag.

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