The American Flag | Teen Ink

The American Flag

November 5, 2015
By 6kudis SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6kudis SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The American Flag

How many people would think of the sacrifice and events leading up to our nation's independence?
When I see the American flag, I think of the soldiers who died for our freedom. The sacrifice and the fight they had to go through to make our country what it is today is unimaginable. The U.S is a unit that is the powerhouse of the world.
Both economically and physically, from our military to our national monuments. America is a country came together in efforts to accomplish tasks. For instance, on 9/11 -- the country stopped still and dropped whatever they were doing and made an effort to help. Like the first responders to 9/11 or the passengers who regained control of flight 93.
These are examples where America has shown unity, love, and support. To drop everything at once and immediately try to make an impact to help. This is the reason why I think our country is the best country and why I am proud to be an American.
I am grateful for our country. I owe the men and women who are out there everyday watching over and protecting us, my life.
Bravery is a vigorous word which is what our country is. “The land of the free and the home of the brave” It's the emotion that founded our freedom in 1775.
  Without bravery, we would not have opportunity, equality, or individuality let alone be free. Without opportunity, we would not have hope.
Without equality, we would be speaking one language or praising the same God. Without individuality, we would all be the same, going through the same motions and not living with a purpose or a desire to reach a higher goal.
These are prime examples of how we showed bravery throughout the creation of our nation. Bravery is why we are here today. Bravery is who we are. Bravery is what founded our nation.

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