My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

March 22, 2016
By DreNicholas BRONZE, Houston, Texas
DreNicholas BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What makes a hero. Everyone has a hero. To me my mom is my hero.She someone who has a job and make time to take care of her kids.She push us to our limit and make us pass them.Even though it seem annoying at time we know it’s for the best and it also eventually pay off.She make us the best person we can be.She someone who is strict,but you can talk to about anything.She can be funny.She is someone who you can depend on no matter what.She’ll help if we need at the best of her ability.Even though she doesn't fly at the speed of light or shoot laser out her eye she is a very important person in my life. She someone who I look up to she is my hero

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