Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

March 6, 2017
By aholland10 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
aholland10 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

It is an honor to be writing you this letter, knowing all that you have done and all that you have sacrificed in your life. I am Alexa and I am a senior at Arrowhead High School. I hold the Army close to my heart for not only the fact that you fought to save me, but also because my cousin and her spouse are in the Army and have served in Afghanistan. I see the commitment firsthand and have built up a great appreciation for all veterans and members of the Army. Thank you so much for all that you have done for our country.

As you return home from your visit to Washington DC, I hope that you got to fully experience our country’s gratitude. The memorials were built out of respect for you, your service, and your willingness to fight for our freedoms. Four years ago, I visited the memorials and was able to understand the sacrifices you made when you went to war. The memorials encompass the amount of men and women that were drafted and joined in order to secure the safety of this great nation.

Thank you for fighting for me, for my family, and for the United States. Thank you for giving me the freedom to speak for myself, the freedom to think for myself, and the freedom to be myself. Freedom can be a hard word to define, but to me freedom is the right to be as I am and to make my own decisions. Freedom gives us all opportunities to express ourselves and to try new things.

I hope today allowed you to see how many people care and the gratitude that this country has towards you. It may have seemed like a long time ago, but your sacrifices are still making an impact today allowing us all to be happy, safe, and free just as my cousin is today. Thank you so much for your service!

Thank you,

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