Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

March 9, 2018
By Winner76 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Winner76 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

Welcome home! After a great day of seeing your memorials and being with other veterans, I would like to take the time to personally thank you for what you did for our country. Serving in the military is the most honorable thing any person can do for our country. Putting you life on hold to protect others takes an unprecedented amounts of bravery and leadership.

I am a senior in high school. As you know being this age comes with huge decisions: going to college, or going into the service, or going to work. What you did at this time in you life was spectacular. The definition of a leader is someone who puts the greater good and others before themselves, and you did that. You put your life on hold to protect the greater good and protect something bigger than yourself. That is truly honorable and needs to be recognized.

When you came back from the service, you were not welcomed with a grand homecoming or the amount of graciousness you deserved. When you land I hope your welcome home is everything you hoped it would be and what we owed you. Your service never went unnoticed and will never be forgotten.

To me a hero is someone who does what others won’t, you did that. Most people wouldn’t serve their country for dozens of reasons but you decided that you would do what you thought was right. Without you life in this great country would be completely different and I can’t express how thankful I am for your service.

I hope that the Honor Flight was one of the best experiences of your life. You deserved to be honored an thanked for what you did and I hope that the Honor Flight provided that. Finally, I would like to express how thankful an gracious I am for your bravery, leadership, and service. It’s men an women like you that make the United States the great country it is. Welcome Home!

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