Humans of Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans of Parsippany

May 31, 2022
By Rrana BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
Rrana BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I just love to do what I like to do. My favorite sport is soccer. I’m a goalkeeper for 9 years so I enjoy playing. I’m afraid of injuries that I go through, but I motivate myself to continue playing soccer no matter how hard the days go, rain and sunshine, no matter what. I just practice every day 2 hours straight, no rest. Every day I continue doing the same thing which improves my skills, but soccer is not about one person, it's the whole team. It's not about myself trying to protect the goal but everyone pushing forward. I just like soccer the most.” - Sebastian Guevara
(Parsippany, NJ).


Interviewed by: Rishi R.

The author's comments:

For this piece, I interviewed a fellow friend of mine, Sebastian Guevara. I hope this piece can inspire you.


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