Humans of New York- But It’s Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans of New York- But It’s Parsippany

June 10, 2022
By shruya_ BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
shruya_ BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“My fear is always; ‘I’m going to get stuck in the machine. And I’m going to have to army-crawl out.’ I get an MRI, yearly now. I also have a fear of my throat swelling up, because of a medical condition I have that could make my throat swell up. Honestly, quite scary. Even though it's unrealistic, the thought that it could happen scares me even more. Also... I got a 1 on my AP bio exam because I was going through chemo. It was... quite scary... but it didn’t affect me much. Like, I’m still in college. Also... the brain surgery, quite scary. Back then, I was scared to a point, but now that I know what has happened, thinking about going through it again scares me even more. Because I know what happens. When I didn’t know what was happening, the unknown was kind of scary, but it was like; what’s the worst that could happen? Now I know everything that could happen. I can’t do it again.”

The author's comments:

I interviewed my cousin because she’s a powerhouse. I look up to her a lot and learned so much about her from this interview. 


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