How to Stay Motivated | Teen Ink

How to Stay Motivated

February 12, 2024
By Anonymous

“You’re going to have to want to want it,” says Hadley Harmelink. Throughout all her high school years, all she can think about is her future. She always has an achievable goal for herself to keep striving for. For example, she goes to the gym five  times a week. 

Think of an achievable goal for yourself. What do you want to do for your future? Think about what steps you need to get there. Harmelink wants to make a living for herself and be successful on her own.

Have ambitions. Harmelink’s ambitions are going to the gym everyday, to feel good about yourself and let the motivation kick in. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, and have a meal-plan. One tip to staying motivated is having a buddy. A workout buddy, a study buddy, a diet buddy. 

When you start to feel unmotivated, you have to remind yourself of your goals. Review your plan to achieve your goals. If your current plan to get to your goals is not working, Hadley says to make a new plan that is easier to make progress towards. 

The author's comments:

Hadleys point of view on being motivated really inspired me


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