Interview Contest | Teen Ink

Interview Contest

March 5, 2009
By Anonymous

Q: Where did you grow up?

A: I lived in Garden City, around Garden City Park.

Q: Who was your favorite teacher growing up?

A: Hmm, I'd have to say Mr. White. He was my 7th grade reading and social studies teacher.

Q: Could you tell a story about him?

A: Mr. White was always a positive influence on his students. He helped me to see I was smart, and to stop saying I can't. He showed me
That by having a positive attitude that I can do anything. I improved my grades, going from e's and d's on my report card to a's and b's. I became more active in school activities, and had positive experience in school. Thanks to Mr. White I was able to go to college and in the Navy.

Q: What was your earliest memory?

A: Well, probably living in our house on Sheridan. I shared a bedroom with my brother and sister. I remember our bedroom was long and narrow; we had bunk beds and a trundle bed. My sister, brother and I would jump from the top bunk to the trundle bed. My sister misjudged and hit the floor and the old coil heater we had in our room. She broke her 3rd and 4th fingers on her right hand.

Q: Okay, so, then what's your most terrifying memory?

A: When my brother fell from the top of a tree. I thought he was dead! We had a babysitter and he had to leave me with my neighbors. My brother was fine not even a concussion.

Q: Wow! Well, when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A: I wanted to be a teacher, then a nurse.

Q: Okay, so, what sort of clubs were you in while you were in high school?

A: I was in yearbook club, on student council, and I organized student elections. I also organized the student blood drive for the Red Cross.

Q: That's cool! Do you like to draw/doodle?

A: I'm not good, but I like to doodle. I love to take pictures.

Q: What's your favorite book?

A: Honestly, I love all books. I couldn't choose a favorite.

Q: Oh. Well, what was your happiest Christmas, and why?

A: It was that first Christmas with you, because we weren't supposed to be together, and we were. Your father and I were supposed to have duty. Duty was when we had to stay over night at our jobs, but we got out of it. We had a special Christmas day.


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