Ski Stories | Teen Ink

Ski Stories

January 4, 2010
By nkorom14 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
nkorom14 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now Tom K. is just an average 52-year-old guy with three kids. He enjoys watching his kids play sports as well as coaching their teams. But back in his 20’s, my Tom loved to ski; preferable downhill skiing. He and his friends would go out west about once a year to ski the mountains and one trip stuck in his head the most.
Tom and a group of his friends decided to head out to Utah one year. They decided that they would spend a few days in Park City and then move onto Alta to ski Mt. Baldy.
They arrived at Park City and skied for two days. When it was time to move to Mt. Baldy they were told they could not leave. There had been an avalanche that blocked the road. They had to spend three more days in Park City.

That Night they went up to the top of the mountain to go skiing. By the time, they got to the top, a blizzard rolled in so they had to head in. When they got back, they were missing one person. Three hours later, he showed up. He had taken the wrong trail and ended up at the next lodge over.

Tom said, “We thought he was a goner. We were relieved when he finally walked in the door.”

Three days later they were able to head to Mt. Baldy. They got to the lodge and Tom looking around at all of the pictures on the walls. He noticed a picture of the hill in summer and notice that there were huge trees covering the mountain.
He asked one of the works, “Where was this picture taken?”
The man pointed right out the back window of the lodge. This time of year there was over a hundred feet of snow that nearly completely buried the trees. All you could see was the top 10 feet of the tree.
“It was one of the craziest things I have ever seen,” Tom said.

“These were some of the bust years of my young life. I will never forget the fun I had traveling around with my friends,” Tom says as he finishes his story.
In a couple of years I hope to be able to have adventures of my own I can share with my kids when they are my age.


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