A Dog Saved A Family | Teen Ink

A Dog Saved A Family

January 4, 2010
By Mary Woodson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mary Woodson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They saved her; she saved the family.
Richard and Sue have two daughters, 24-year-old Valerie and 21-year-old Emily, and Taylor, their 17-year-old son.
“All three of our kids are completely different”, Sue Ladd says. “Our oldest is very into her work while Emmy barely works and surrounds herself with dancing. Taylor swims all the time or hangs with his friends playing video games.”
They don’t have anything in common; not even physical characteristics. At first glance, it doesn’t even look like they are related. But they all share one thing; staying away from animals.
“Valerie and I can’t go near cats and dogs that shed”, Richard says, “Emily is only allergic to cats along with Taylor.”
It’s not that the family chooses to be an animal free home; they just are limited to the type of animal. They have a bird named Daisy, but she’s more of an annoyance to the family than a loving pet. They needed something to bring them together—to be more of a family.
The family drove to Plymouth, Wisconsin to Pretty Penny Farms to find a new member of their family. They decided taking care of a pet would bring them closer.
“There were rows and rows of cages with different breeds of dogs”, Taylor says. “We walked by them and into the house where there was two girl schnauzer puppies with their mom. Schnauzers don’t shed so it was a perfect breed for my family.”
They opened their home to the newest member, Dixie. They hated watching her sit in the horrible environment.
“It was awful seeing the dogs like that”, Sue said. We are a very caring family so once we saw her; we knew we had to save her.”
She brought the family together. The family taught her tricks and brought her on walks—rain or shine.
“She really brought everyone together.” Emily says. “We had something to look forward to when we’d get home. Dixie knows when we need her and she helps us by always being there through the bad and the good.”
She fits into the family like she has been a part of them for years. Dixie makes the family laugh more and be closer.
Valerie says, “She doesn’t cause any problems. Dixie helps make sure we’re happy and if we aren’t, she’ll cuddle with us until we are.”
Dixie was the perfect fit. They thought they were saving a dog from becoming disease infested, but she saved them…and still does.


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