Fighting for a cause | Teen Ink

Fighting for a cause

January 6, 2010
By Anonymous

Fighting for a Cause
Fighting for a cause is something Scotty E.,16, does well.
“I like to help out.” He says
Scotty is a junior in High School. He participates on the golf team and enjoys school. But what makes Scotty unique is what he does outside of school.
“Every summer me and my friends put together a relay for life team and raise as much money as we can to fight cancer,” says Scotty.
Cancer killed over seven million people in 2007 according to the American Cancer Society. Every year someone close to you is diagnosed with cancer. And Scotty is no different then anyone else.
“My grandma died of Liver cancer three or four years ago…I guess you could say that’s how I got into it,” said Scotty.
As soon as Scotty became aware of Relay for Life, he was part of it: going door to door getting donations and walking all the way through the night to help the fight of cancer. Last year, he received $600 and his team raised close to $2000. He doesn’t just go to help fight cancer, though. He also goes for the fun and games.
“Last year, my team won the frisbee tournament. It was a blast,” he said.
Scotty and his friends make the whole night a competitive game: from the frisbee tournament, to eating contests, to seeing which team can raise the most money.
“Everyone should try to help someone out or at least give back to something the world could get a lot more accomplished,” Scotty says.

The author's comments:
This is an interview I did of a classmate. This is his story.


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