Mommy Madness | Teen Ink

Mommy Madness

January 25, 2010
By madisonkathryne BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
madisonkathryne BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I wish I could spend more time with you.” My mom would always say. From the time I was two it was my mom and I. So I was always in some sort of daycare until fourth grade my mom got married. Soon after that she quit her job as a cocktail waitress and became an office worker. This was the dream my mother would say.

There were some faults of taking on this new job like a pay cut because of tips, having too learn a whole new system, and having too adapt to the people. Well her dream ended as fast as it started. Six months later, she was laid off due to the economy. It was devastating but at the same time realistic. She was the last one hired and the first one gone. The thing that kept her going was the fact she had now had experience which would look good on applications.

My mom and stepdad sat my sister Jazzy and I down and told us we are now about to enter this horrible stage for us girls called a budget. Not the most exciting thing too hear but it is what it is. My mom would always say don’t worry this won’t last long I’ll find another job but after realizing how bad the economy had been it wasn’t reality. She put in over fifty applications but nothing had come up.

We were on the verge of moving. Rich, my step dad, had been offered a job in Pennsylvania and he thought there would be a lot better of opportunities for her to find a job there then Nevada. After many days of thinking and discussing she decided staying here would be better. She prayed that a door would open and something extraordinary would occur.

Four months of waiting something did. She was offered a temp job at dentist office, working on office supplies and inventory. The pay wasn’t any different then sitting home collecting unemployment but the experience was worth while. She loved getting up, getting dressed, and leaving work. Most importantly it was a near by job and had insurance. Although it’s a temporary thing she is grateful for the opportunities that she was given.


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