Mr. Simons | Teen Ink

Mr. Simons

September 28, 2007
By Anonymous

A lot of the time you hear about people on T.V. that are heroes for going through the things that they have gone through and rise up and become really good people that can impact your life in a very positive way. You don't get to meet those people very often. I just happened to find one in my Superintendent, Tony Simons.

What kind of education do you have?
I graduated from Madison in 1973. In that same year I graduated from the Elkin Institute for Broadcasting. I got my Bachelor of Science from Dakota State in 1978, my Masters Degree from USD in 1985, and my Specialist Degree in 2004.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have one sister named Vickie. She lives in Volga.

Who is your role model?
My coaches and teachers in high school because my dad was gone a lot.

Were you in any sports?
I played football, basketball, and tennis during the school year. Then during the summer, I played baseball. I played amateur baseball until I was 30.

What teams do you like?
Of course, everyone knows that I am a big Chicago Bears Fan. My favorite baseball teams are the Chicago Cubs and the Minnesota Twins. I'm also a Boston Celtics fan because I was always a big Larry Bird fan. My favorite college football team in the Nebraska Cornhuskers because I used to teach in Nebraska. If you weren't a Nebraska fan there, they didn't like you.

What kinds of hobbies do you have?
I enjoy listening to music. My wife and I have gone to over 50 rock concerts. I like going to sporting events. I like going golfing. I also play tennis. I actually competed until I was 50.

What do you have for pets?
I have a pekingese named McGuyver.

What is your favorite food?
Pretty much any kind of beef. Steak, T-bones, their the best.

Have you lost any weight since you started the competition?
I lost 15 pounds, but gained it back after the contest. I don't like to exercise.

Where did you teach before?
I got started at O'Gorman in 1978. Then I taught at Wessington for 3 years. After that I taught at Gayville-Volin, Crofton, Nebraska, and now I'm here.

What other kinds of jobs did you have?
I used to be in magazine sales. I painted barns. I also coached baseball.

Do you like your job?
I love it but it's very frustrating. I wish that I could do more for the students, but the budget doesn't allow it. I wish every student could have a laptop. My favorite part of my job is interacting with the students an lunchtime.

What is the hardest part of your job?
Dealing with the budget. I want the school to have enough money to be around decades later.

How did you meet your wife?
I met her in Sioux Falls through a mutual friend. We've been married for over 8 years now.

How many kids do you have?
I have 4 kids. I have Nick and Stephanie. They are from my first marriage. They are 23 & 18. Then I have Brandon and Cody Who are 17 & 15.

Do you like your new house?
Yes, it's very nice. I need to pay for it though.

Where do you go on vacation?
I haven't gone on vacation for a while, but, I usually just go on places where I can just kick back, usually in a city. I try to do new things. I've gone to San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, Mexico, & Europe. I like to fly.

What was it like having your family in two places?
It was difficult. I was in the apartment here in Elkton so I could teach and they were in Yankton. So when I wasn't busy, I would drive to see them. I was like being in a long distance relationship, but it had to be done.

What was the biggest obstacle in your life?
Losing my dad. It was in the middle of the basketball season during my junior year in high school. It was really hard to deal with. It makes you more knowing of what is going on around you. It makes you think that anything can happen. Life isn't always fair.

How long do you plan on teaching here?
I'm not sure. I signed my contract for 2 years, but I hope that I can teach here longer.


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