Memories of the Past | Teen Ink

Memories of the Past

December 23, 2011
By Leps14 SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
Leps14 SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My grandmother also lived through World War II. She said that where she lived, which was Rhode Island, was a very lucky place to live. She said that there were some really scary parts and some parts that were normal. Rhode Island was a very safe spot in the war, and she said they never got bombed. She said that one of the scariest times was when the U.S. found an enemy submarine off the coast of Cape Cod. They immediately closed off every beach and patrolled them in case of a sea attack. She said that she would try to send packages to her friends that lived in Europe and they would all get confiscated and never delivered. She said that the reason that America joined WWII was because the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. She says she remembers hearing about this and was appalled. Back in 1941, America was not considered a very strong war nation, but we were secretly training many solders for combat.


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