Interview of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

Interview of a Lifetime MAG

By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

   My parents and I checked into our hotel and went to our room for a rest after the long, rainy drive down to Washington, D. C. I was already a little nervous, even though the interview wasn't until the next day. First we had to meet up with the Teen Ink publishers and the other interviewers.

The next morning, as I dressed for the interview, it suddenly dawned on me - I'm going to interview one of the most powerful men in the world. As we drove to the State Department, I thought, Something's gonna go wrong. Something this big always has something go wrong. I looked at Olga and she said, "KID! It means 'Don't be nervous. '" I laughed at the strange but calming joke as we finally arrived at the State Department.

After saying good-bye to our parents and being escorted through the building, we were taken to the room where the interview was to be held. I looked at Olga and Maria. Both had huge smiles and wide eyes. I think we were all nervous and excited, but after five minutes of waiting, the Secretary of State walked into the room.

We all stood and greeted him as he walked to the three of us and shook our hands. It was strange, but the second he shook my hand, all my nervousness and doubts disappeared. We started asking our questions, and as I glanced at Olga and Maria, they both seemed as calm and relaxed as I was. The interview went without a hitch, and the three of us were left with the experience of our lives.

After the interview, we were given a tour of the State Department. To tell you the truth, I don't remember the tour at all. I was still in awe of meeting the Secretary of State! I know that Maria, Olga and I will never forget the honor and privilege of meeting such a great and influential man and the experience the three of us shared.


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i love this so much!