Warzyn’s Says Goodbye to Senior Year | Teen Ink

Warzyn’s Says Goodbye to Senior Year

May 20, 2013
By jennawalters GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
jennawalters GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Joe Warzyn, a senior, says he has enjoyed his last four years at Arrowhead and is looking forward to the new changes that are coming his way, like graduation and college.

Warzyn says he is attending Carroll University, in Waukesha, in the fall. He says he feels lucky to get free tuition because his mother works at the university.

Warzyn says he took advantage of all the different opportunities that Arrowhead offered. He says he was a part of many clubs and sports including ski club, cross country, and volleyball. He says loved getting to meet new people and make a lot of good memories.

At Carroll, he excited to just focus on his school work and enjoy all the new changes, like living in a dorm and meeting a lot of new people.

He says some of his best memories from Arrowhead come from having a great time at homecoming and prom.

Warzyn says he’s looking forward to becoming more independent in college and being able to just have the entire college experience including meeting new people and living on his own.

He says he is worried about the amount of work he will have to do in college. He is also worried about managing his time between homework, classes, and a social life.

“There’s going to be a ton more work, compared to my high school classes,” Warzyn says.

Warzyn says there are a lot of things he will miss about Arrowhead. One thing he will miss are all the great friends he has made over the past four years. He will also miss the small amount of homework and not having his parents around.

“I’m a momma’s boy,” Warzyn says.

Even though he will miss high school, Warzyn says he is excited to start the new chapter in his life and experience college. And no matter what, he says he will never forget his great years at Arrowhead.


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