Etsy: The Marketplace We Make Together | Teen Ink

Etsy: The Marketplace We Make Together

October 15, 2014
By Rachaelsparklez BRONZE, San Rafael, California
Rachaelsparklez BRONZE, San Rafael, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  We walk through the entryway of Etsy, walls lined with growing plants. Opening in a reception area, art lining the walls and Mr. Grit, Etsy’s mascot, standing at attention.

   Etsy is a website focused on creating a place for small businesses and individuals to sell their crafts and vintage items. Their focus is to create a connection between the buyer and seller, making them unique from other e-commerce DIY stores.

   As we enter the office I can already feel the creative vibe emitting from the employees and space.  Each desk has its own unique personality. A topiary cat guards one, while a sock owl nests on another. The office is decorated with garlands of spoons hanging in the kitchen, and an octopus tentacle reaches out of the wall to catch an unlucky passerby.

   “Our vision,” says Adriane Tidona, Community Connections Manager, “is to re-imagine commerce in ways that build a more fulfilling and lasting world.” She also states that Etsy’s mission is to enable people anywhere in the world to buy and sell with a small community feel.

   “Etsy has really made being a working successful artists so accessible to people.” States Kim Alfonso, group manager of seller development. As I young person who makes crafts it is exciting to know there is a place where I can bring my creativity to the world. And what a better place then a young business who is reaching out and trying to connect with individuals.

“Making the creative profession accessible to people has been amazing.
Being able to bring a path to possible success to someone who has creative talent but didn’t know they could make money with it is so empowering and liberating.” – Kim Alfonso

The author's comments:

Taking a trip to new york this summer, I got many wonderful opportunities to interview many different poeple and businesses. 


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