The Tortillas! | Teen Ink

The Tortillas!

September 24, 2019
By The_Onti BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
The_Onti BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I was asked to not forget the tortillas, I thought it was easy, but man was I very wrong.

First of all, you might be thinking tortillas? You forgot tortillas? How do you forget such a simple but delicious food? But, trust me, it's not that simple. Now to begin the story.

Time: 9:00 AM sharp, I just woke up, was eating breakfast when suddenly. “BAM!” the door opens wide, my mom starts talking. 

“We are going to the supermarket, but I need you to do me a favor”

I responded.


She then replied.

“Don't forget the tortillas, when we go to the store. Don't.Forget.The.Tortillas.”

I quickly said.

“That's easy”

So then we headed out to the store, me remembering the conversation we had over the tortillas made me feel confident. I would not forge. Soon we arrive at Fiesta (the store). So the first place we go to is the Pan dulce (sweet bread) section and of course I buy a churro.

After, I pick out my bread we go buy fruits like apples, oranges, mangoes, lemons, and peaches. We then go from aisle to aisle buying stuff from cookies to juice to ham to chips. Now we are on the meat section, my mom is buying the meat she wants for the next few days after that we checkout and head back home. Once home we unpack the food. Now did you realize I did not mention the tortillas? Yea because I forgot them, I forgot them because I was not paying attention and was distracted. But even worse is that she has not realized I thought I was safe when she then said.

  “And the tortillas?” 

I responded

“I forgot.”

My mom quickly responds.

“ I knew it, I knew you couldn't remember, now what are we going to eat our meat with?”

I said

“We can go back.”

She then proclaimed it was too late. This didn't stop her from making the meat nor me eating it but that was the blandest meal I have ever eaten. After that day I never and will never forget the tortillas.

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