I am an Otter | Teen Ink

I am an Otter

May 22, 2020
By Soccer1772 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Soccer1772 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a little kid my favorite moments were fishing with my dad behind our house in the bark river; and spending time with my friends from school. Sometimes when my dad and I would go fishing we would see otters playing with each other and catching fish to eat.

As a middle schooler I started playing any sport I could including: soccer, tennis, baseball, basketball, and swimming. But I also my obsession of fishing continued and I started finding friends who also enjoyed it as much as I did.

As a teenager and high schooler I narrowed down my activities to soccer, tennis, and of course fishing. At this point I have made an amazing group of friends that I spend a lot of time with playing sports and of course fishing. To this day whenever I am out fishing or upnorth with my friends I still see otters playing together and catching fish and it reminds me of fishing with my dad behind my house.

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