A spike in Jane`s Austen works | Teen Ink

A spike in Jane`s Austen works

October 18, 2021
By milanakurash BRONZE, Zaporizhzhya, Other
milanakurash BRONZE, Zaporizhzhya, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A spike in Jane`s Austen works – art love


A little girl was staying in front of her family, nervously fiddling with a piece of paper in her hands. It was her first verse that she wrote by herself and now it was time to present it to the household.
She remembered writing it at nights, wasting hours choosing the right words to express her emotions. She remembered asking dad to buy a paper and a desk. She remembered reading William Cowper`s books and being inspired to write her own. She remembered being embarrassed about her hobby and writing on small scraps of paper, which she threw under the table if someone entered the room.
Her voice was trembling while she was reading first lines, but the more she talked the more confident she became, feeling the support from her family. The smile on her parents faces. That what mattered.
Last word. Applause. And endless happiness.

A young lady was playing the piano in the living room, while her father was reading a newspaper, sitting in a white chear. A huge, shining black instrument that looked like the sky on a cool summer night, coaxing impossibly soothing and amazing melodies from it. A girl appeared to dance and sway along with the music.
She remembered her first time trying playing a piano. She remembered the moment of embarrassing when she was trying to learn musical notations. She remembered her first attempts at improvisation that were unsuccessful.
Her sister was sitting next to her, enjoying the magic melody that had been created. She was trying to conceal a proud on her face but couldn`t handle her emotions. Her little sister was the most talented person she knew.

Last note. The end of the melody.


A woman ran into a book store. She looked very excited while opening a door. She looked very tired, her breathless breathing indicated that she had been running for a long time and in a hurry. But a smile on her face showed her happines. A seller looked at her from under the glasses, skeptically raising his eyebrows. She came closer to the showcase, took money from her wallet and gave it to the man. She said nothing but pointed to the book on a bookshelf. It was a special book for her. Written by her. Every word. Every stroke was filled with her emotions.
The realization of it came only after holding a book in her shaking hands. She ran her fingers over the cover. She brought the book to her nose smelling the smell of freshly printed pages. She wasn`t even trying to hide a proudness on her face.
She remembered crying over a piece of paper when she had a lack of motivation. She remembered rewriting parts that she didn`t like. She remembered taking a ready book to the publishing house, thinking about the refuse. She remembered the moment of triumph when she got a cherish «Yes».
A high school student is sitting in front of her computer writing a long essay about her favorite writer, nervously typing sentence by sentence. 3 pages filled by fillings and love to amazing Jane Austen. Let`s read it together.
Jane Austen holds a special place in 19th century English literature: she continues the traditions of 18th century realistic literature and is the link between Enlightenment realism and 19th century realism. She was born and worked during the reign of romanticism, but she herself used a different creative method and preached different values, sometimes criticizing and parodying romantic clichés and ideals (a vivid example is the novel “Northanger Abbey”)


The author's skill manifested itself in the ability to unobtrusively, with its inherent subtle irony, to emphasize the main thing in each of the heroes, to tear off some of the veil of external decency, respectability and show their true face. Against the background of contemporary literature, Jane Austen's works stood out for their refined simplicity, accuracy and depth of social and psychological motivations for the characters' behavior, stylistic skill.


An important place in Jane`s Austen works is taken by her love to arts
[Most of Austen’s central figures] are amateur artists busy with the work of fiction-making and characterization. They invent plots, write letters of character analysis, read between the lines of other letters, play games with words and names, discuss absent friends, sketch portraits, collect literary extracts, put on plays, probe motives and arrange matches that have an aesthetic ‘rightness’ to them.

–A. Walton Litz, ” ‘A Development of Self’: Character and Personality in Jane Austen’s Fiction” In Juliet McMaster, ed. Jane Austen’s Achievement. (New York, 1976), 69.

My favorite Jane`s austen work – is «Persuasion».  The most important thing that makes this book really unique is that the main character of the novel, Anna Eliot, is in many ways similar to the author, and the story of her love is very reminiscent of the writer's own story. Jane, like Anna, fell in love with a young man without wealth and divorced him, succumbing to the insistence of relatives. But, despite the fact that the writer herself was not lucky enough to arrange her personal life, she gives her character the opportunity to be happy.
On my opinion, «Persuasion» - is a novel, where Jane`s love to arts was described the best. Books were a big part of her life and she wanted to show it through her main characters and their storyline that intertwined with her own.
Let's recall the beginning of this work together. We are presented with a egocentric person and it is through his love for his beloved book.

«…never took up any book but the Baronetage; there he found occupation for an idle hour, and consolation in a distressed one; there his faculties were roused into admiration and respect, by
contemplating the limited remnant of the earliest patents; there any unwelcome sensations, arising from domestic affairs changed naturally into pity and contempt as he turned over the almost endless creations of the last century; and there, if every other leaf were powerless, he
could read his own history with an interest which never failed”

He was a selfish man who hated literature in all its manifestations. But every stone soul has its own weaknesses. Jane showed us this important moment through the love to one book – the thing that helped him to stay himself

We can imagine Jane, sitting in front of her table, writing about her literature passion, embodying it into her character`s one. And that what makes her books unique – the feelings that she put in it.

The author's comments:

Hello to every literature lover! My name is Milana, I am from Ukraine and I am super excited to get my work published here. it`s an article about my favorite novelist Jane Austen and about feelings she put into her novels

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