Letter to future self | Teen Ink

Letter to future self

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Dear Future me,

I hope you're doing well wherever you are and I just wanted to tell you a few things. No matter how hard things get, never give up and keep pushing forward. Everything happens for a reason, positive and negative. If something bad happens, move past it and don't let it affect you in the long term. You can't change the past. No one can. So don't dwell on it. Just focus on yourself.  If you focus on yourself and don't let other people control your life you will be able to become the best version of yourself.

I wonder if you're still doing the things I do now. Do you still love to play video games or have you moved past that. Did you play volleyball in college like you always wanted to? Do you still have the same friends you had in high school or have you moved past them and found different ones?  I know you won't be able to answer these questions but I can guess to what some of the answers might be.

Finally I just wanted to say I hope your life's going great and I can't wait to see what happens.


Current me

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