Best day ever | Teen Ink

Best day ever

February 8, 2023
By cbabcock BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
cbabcock BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up, It's Auntie Wendy Wednesday. I jump out of bed and put on the clothes that my mom picked out for me, go to the bathroom brush my teeth, and my mom brushes my hair. I pick out the toys I wanted to bring to her house for the day, My ponies, and dolls, and I try to convince my mom to let me bring the doll house but she says no. She puts my toys in a backpack and buckles me into the car. As she drives to auntie Wendy's house we listen to my favorite song... The pizza song. We're here! I get unbuckled and grab my backpack that has a monster truck on it Benny got it for me for Christmas, I run to the front door and knock as hard as I can. I wonder whos going to open the door today, Joey opens the door I push him out of the way I never have really liked joey I dont know why but he's weird I run down the basement stairs and see benny laying on the couch. Sneak attack I jump onto him “BENNY” I scream “What's up little one”, He always calls me that it's weird but I love him. I hear my mom talking to auntie Wendy “come and give me a hug stina I’m leaving” my mom says to me from the top of the stairs, I drop my backpack on benny and run back up the stairs, give my mom a hug say bye and then back down the stairs to show Benny, Joanne, and weirdo joey my toys that I brought for the day. I hear my mom leave Auntie Wendy calls down to us “Pancakes or Waffles”, “pancakes” we all shout. I see a present under the Christmas tree It has my name on it. I go and sit next to benny he reads who it's from “From Benny To Little one”, another present from him. I rip open the paper it has monster trucks on it like my backpack, A box, I open the box, It's new Grave Digger Shoes it's the same truck that’s on my backpack. Benny helps me put on the shoes, WOAH they light up when I jump. I run up the stairs to show Auntie Wendy “those are super cool Musha Bella” Again another nickname that I don’t know why I have. The day has come there moving out I walk in the front door one last time all the memories of “Auntie Wendy Wednesdays” replay in my head. I help them grab the last few boxes, as I’m putting the box in the trunk I see something light up I open the box as it's only folded shut, the shoes with the monster truck on them that I had forgotten there when I was little they had kept them all these years. I fold the box back up and shove it with the other boxes. I remember how when I was little I came here to have fun. Now I’m older I come here as an escape from reality yet I still have as much fun as I did when I was little.

The author's comments:

When I was little every Wednesday I went to my aunts house and now every Sunday I go to her house.

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