Thank You, Mimi | Teen Ink

Thank You, Mimi

May 26, 2023
By malaynash10 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
malaynash10 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's a hot, summer day, the sun is shining. I am sitting outside with my great-grandmother under the wooden gazebo with sunlight seeping in through the mesh doors. We are watching quietly as the beauty of nature occurs. The bluejays chirp, the wind makes the leaves on the trees dance, and the smell of fresh lilacs fills the air. It feels like pure happiness, just relaxing and spending time with my grandmother. 

My great-grandmother is a petite, 90-year-old woman, who doesn’t look a day over 70. She always has her light brown hair curled and makeup on. She has always been there for my dance recitals when I was younger and now makes it to my tennis matches. I remember seeing her sitting in the crowd, smiling at me through her bright pink-colored lips. She always took time off work to babysit me and take care of me. I have been close to my great-grandmother ever since I was a baby. She has always put me first and made me feel protected. 

My great-grandmother slowly leans in close to my ear and whispers, “I have a surprise for you.”  

I sit there pondering what she is going to give me, a piece of gum, a hug, or maybe even some money. But no, I would never have guessed what she gave me. She gently hands me a small, silver-wrapped box with a red bow on top. I give it a little shake, it slightly jiggles around. I carefully peel the wrapping paper off the box and open the lid, which reveals a small box, one that looks like it holds jewelry. I flip open the box and reveal a small, silver infinity symbol necklace with a small stone in the center. It glistens from the reflection of the sun. I love it. 

I ask her what made her get such a special gift for me, to which she replies “I wanted you to have something that would be close to your heart and to remind you that no matter how life treats you, I will be with you for always and forever, hence infinity.”

 I gleam with joy and give her a huge hug. I quickly put the necklace on and made a plan to never take it off. 

It has so much meaning and safety, making me feel protected and more calm whenever I’m stressed or scared. All I need to do is either look at it or hold it close to my heart when I am overwhelmed, making me feel like I am being wrapped in a blanket of security and love. I obtain feelings of kindness and passion just like my grandmother’s personality. I will never forget my great-grandmother and I will always have the feeling of her close to my heart. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a tribute to my great-grandmother, whom I call Mimi. I am very close to her and wanted to know how much she means to me and how special our relationship is. 

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