Dear Suicide and Trauma | Teen Ink

Dear Suicide and Trauma

May 9, 2024
By Anonymous

Dear Suicide and Trauma, I won't let you control me anymore. You have been part of my life for too long and you've been making me miserable since the day I met you.


Dear trauma, you've been giving me nightmares and making me scared almost all the time. You have been making me cry when I wake up from a nightmare or when I'm forced to talk about it.


Dear suicide, you have always been there, telling me to take pills, or to try to hurt myself in some other way. You have been the one faithful method of the pain, even if it keeps failing.


Dear suicide, you're the one who made me end up in the ICU from an overdose, you're the one who did that. You have tried to kill me and hurt me, but I have come away stronger.


Dear trauma, soon you won't be bothering me anymore, as I'm going to therapy for you. Dear trauma, good riddance. You have been controlling my life for too long. 


Dear trauma and suicide, you no longer control me.

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