Summer | Teen Ink


May 27, 2024
By Anonymous

Although it was one of the nicest summers ever, this one felt the shortest. I have travelled to more than six locations this summer. I visited Greece, Mykonos, Milan, Montenegro, Verona, and London throughout the course of this summer. I had a good time wherever we went since it was enjoyable. It was the first summer that I didn't think about school until it was almost time and I realized, it was almost here. When I realized, I started to fear. I had no idea what to anticipate—some people claimed it was the same as middle school, but others claimed it was incredibly difficult. However, I was unsure of whom to believe. But as human beings, we tend to constantly imagine the worst in order to be prepared. People used to tell me "You need to learn in high school. that is your future.” A lot of people made high school unbearable. Well, it sort of is but also isn't.

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