Graduation | Teen Ink


June 7, 2024
By wood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
wood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the year comes to an end, we often reflect on the “ Glory days” as the Seniors would describe them. Seniors, Parents and Coaches always warn us of the short life span that high school has. One moment you’re a freshman and the next you are walking across the stage, Highschool essentially has the lifespan of a Fruit Fly. I can still feel the nerves at the starting line at state for Track, the smell of the crisp dew filled track, the ref counting down , my heart beating as fast as a Hawk in a nose dive. But the past is in the past, no more traveling to Green Bay in the bone cold nights of February to watch a state basketball game.

 Now it’s May and the days of Highschool are fleeting, test after test, exam after exam. Each day seems like Earth is pushing down on the gas pedal, or picking up the remote and fastforwarding towards the end of the movie. 

As graduation day arrives your mind decides that it wants to take one more journey to the past, one more walk around the School, reminding you of all the good, bad and everything in between times you had in those classrooms.  As you get in line for walking out the main doors of north campus, blood red gown and Cap fitted for you. A quote makes this whole thing come full circle, “Something needs to end, so better things can begin”. 


This only eases the tension slightly as it is still high as a kite.The doors open and you are greeted with a warm hug from the humid June night, with a slight breeze that whispers in your ear. You make your way down the sidewalk, powder chalk covers the bottom of your shoes that used to read “ Congrats 2025” and “ Enjoy the moment”. The lights shine down on you putting all eyes on the center stage, all eyes on the class of 2025 for the last time. As you sit down in your chair you try to soak in the feeling of being with your classmates one last time, even when the ceremony may seem like the world will end before the ceremony is done, you still try to “ Enjoy the moment”. Row after row is now called to cross the border from Highschool to College, or whatever the next stage is in your life. You soon realized that Earth has hit the fast forward button, you are now 15 people away from being announced, the crowd cheers after every name announced from different families, but just for tonight, we are one big family as we cheer for each other . The feeling of your heart racing takes you back to when you were running out of time during an exam, the feeling of forgetting that a test was tomorrow, or the feeling of lining up on the starting line one last time. Now it’s your turn, your name is announced and that's that. Your Highschool career is over, and now it is just memories that you will tell you Kids down the line. 

The author's comments:

This is a preview for the class of 2025 and what we can expect and how we should enjoy the moment of each day

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