Hi future self | Teen Ink

Hi future self

June 7, 2024
By bryliewalos BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bryliewalos BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hey future self, 

¨Time is going to go by so fast, enjoy every second you have here.” The senior I meant on the first day of freshman orientation said to me. I didn’t think much of it, now it's reality. I hope by now you have made  a path that you are excited to pursue, a path you feel like you earned for yourself, a path that even through the ups and downs you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and most of all a path you are proud of. 

Right now I am about to be at the zenith of highschool. I am a junior, and I can’t believe how fast time goes. I can’t believe that the senior was right all along, and it’s something that I want you to continue to remember: to cherish every moment and opportunity you have. Right now school is hard but the athlete part of highschool is even harder. My high school season ended yesterday, and this year has been harder than ever before. The news was buzzing, because this year we were the upset. Last night I cried like a baby. But today I have come to realize. This is the game we play, it isn’t always going to be happy. The point of telling you this story was to explain something I learned that night. 

I learned that there are going to be upsets or push backs in your life and it's not what happens it’s how you react. Although all I want to do right now is cry over the fact the season is over, the hard work starts now in preparation for next year. How bad do I want it? That’s what I continually ask myself. Because if I want it more than  the person next to me, I have to work harder. I know you're probably playing college soccer right now or maybe are done with college, but I want you to always remember why you do the things you love. Not for yourself but for the people around you. This doesn’t always have to mean soccer, but in your job, or school - remember there is an end goal and it’s on you to make the difference. So here it starts, day one, what can you do today to get one step closer to your goal? It’s on you…

You got this,


The author's comments:

This has been such an important aspect in my life... thought I should share.

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