30 Years | Teen Ink

30 Years

June 7, 2024
By 5shaw BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5shaw BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

30 years from now, 10,957 days. So much will happen. I will have graduated from high school and college, working and hopefully even having my own family.

 As I think about the future I hope I also think back when I am older. High school has been a fundamental turning point in my life. I found true friendships, the importance of being myself and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. 

Thinking of high school I am reminded of the timid 14 year old, scared of everyone and everything. When my closest friend and I started to drift apart, it felt like my world was crumbling. We did everything together. Then all of a sudden I was alone. Stranded on a life raft, hanging on, as she was swimming away. Starting my junior year I found my people. The friends I want with me at every important part of my life. My friends now value and care about me. My freshman year self thought the world was ending when I lost a friend, but I now know what I deserve in a friendship. When I think back to high school I envision reminiscing about friendships, and the resilience I developed when facing friendships that didn’t last. I aspire to have the same level of compassion that characterized me, always ensuring everyone feels included. 

Thinking about my academic journey I will remember my dedication and perseverance I showed, finding comfort in the knowledge that my hard work paid off. Starting high school was a wake up call. I didn’t know how to study or take notes, all witch are expected of you. The classrooms hummed as pens scratched on paper and students shuffled around the classroom all distracting me from school. The “ding'' of the bell, reminding me I hadn't finished my test. Fixing my grades was hard, it took a lot of perseverance and work, but it paid off. Thinking about the future I hope to embody the same core values that define me today: empathy, confidence, and a willingness to take on challenges.

The realization that life after high school is merely the beginning. Thinking about the future is scary, but lessons I have learned in the past will guide my future.

The author's comments:

We were told to write about what we want to remember in 30 years. 

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