Give me Time to Think | Teen Ink

Give me Time to Think

February 23, 2011
By Little_Blue_Lights SILVER, Cleveland, Ohio
Little_Blue_Lights SILVER, Cleveland, Ohio
8 articles 1 photo 7 comments

Give me time to think. Give me time to think without words on this or that, opinions on right or wrong, and whatever else is out there.

Give me time to think without pushing meaningless facts into my mind, long math equations, science I will never use, or measurements of my failures.

Give me time to think where, whether or not I chose to think, it would be completely up to me. Give me a place out of sound’s reach to hide in my long lost wishes. Give me a place to play act my daydreams as a young child might. Give me time to think. Please, give me time for me.

Give me time to think with no movies or flashing screens, big screen TVs or flashy magazines, or the dusty classics and books I love; for even with these my thoughts are guided.

Give me time to think. To set my priorities straight, to find if I value love or learning, to see my own opinions shine without the dull clamor of other’s well meaning influence.

Give me a place. A closet or a castle, I do not care as long as the place isn’t shared. Give me the option to find me own opinion without school refusing time, other’s asking, or demanding, or a friend who won’t stop calling, or my family interrupting…

I lift my hands to cover my ears and I try to stop my screaming. Enough is enough. Please, shut up. I don’t need to hear. I’ve heard it all before, and maybe I’d agree if I ever had time to think.

So, please. Give me time to think.

I know. It is too much, but it has always been what I wanted so much. I now know I must find my own time to think.

The author's comments:
I feel that I am trapped in a world with so much information and options that I don't really have time t proses it all. Time to think.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 10 2011 at 12:23 pm
ninjadragon56 SILVER, Denver, Colorado
6 articles 4 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
Private favorite personal quote, do not read, all violaters will be prosicuted.

god you really are an amazing writer. I think that this is possibly one of my favorite pieces. how are you not published yet!? keep writing