No Hands | Teen Ink

No Hands

December 11, 2013
By MauAnd SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
MauAnd SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

“I want to go for a bike ride,” my five year old brother said, that started the worst summer of my life.

As I hooked up Burley to the back of my bike, we started around the block. Like any older brother, I was showing Jona, my brother how to ride down a hill no handed.

Unfortunately, I forgot that the Burley is wider than my bike tires. As the Burley hit a pot hole, the bike, the Burley and my brother jerked side to side. I desperately tried to gain control of the situation. But as the Burley tipped over, landing on its side, I flipped over the handle bars, soaring forward, bracing my fall with all I had my wrists. Luckily my brother was wearing a helmet, and was alright.

Twenty minutes later, sitting in my dad’s car with frozen bags of peas on both arms, we headed to the hospital. I received two casts one a full arm cast, the other to the elbow. Then, while still in the doctors office I mentioned to the doctor that my knee had been hurting and had another x-ray. The results determined I needed knee surgery a week after my casts came off.

The summer going into seventh grade consisted of 15 doctors visits, hours upon hours of TV, Netflix, and sleeping. Moral of the story: don’t show off and know the width of a Burly.

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