The Unexpexted Thing about Highschool | Teen Ink

The Unexpexted Thing about Highschool

September 24, 2014
By proybal BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
proybal BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was always scared when it came to starting a new year of school, but for some odd reason I wasn't worried at all. You would think starting one of the most intimidating grades of school would strike fear into the heart of young people like myself. When starting a new year of school, I was always wanting to impress people, fit in, and blend into the background. I hated being the center of attention under any circumstance. But oddly enough, starting highschool made me not care anymore. Growing into this phase of doing what I want and being who I truly am has helped me become the person I've always wanted to be.

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