Two Little Fish | Teen Ink

Two Little Fish

December 4, 2015
By snappysnackshack GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
snappysnackshack GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who swim together. I am the only one who has seen them separate. Two little fish with torn scales and ragged fins. Two who shouldn’t be alone in the ocean but are alone. Two lonely colors drifting through a sea of grey. From above, they are frightened, but below they protect.

Their tiredness is apparent. They swim with lagging kicks under the waves. They search and they search and they find a place to rest their little ragged fins and torn scales, but never quit their search. This is how they live.
When one becomes defiant, it flits away, leaving the other abandoned. Swim, swim, swim as they search the ocean floor. They wait.

When each becomes too lonely and too sad to keep swimming, when they are a little heartbeat against a hurricane, then they find each other, and apologize. Two who find nothing after relentless searches. Two who came back together, despite being lost. Two who cling to each other and do not know where they are. Two whose only option is to swim, and keep swimming.

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