A Swim to Remember | Teen Ink

A Swim to Remember

December 23, 2015
By CarlyCarly SILVER, Park Rapids, Minnesota
CarlyCarly SILVER, Park Rapids, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Snorkeling, petting sting rays, and riding dolphins. What type of child wouldn't like that? Traveling to exotic places can change one's outview on the world. As a child, I was fortunate enough to go on a family vacation to Discovery Cove in Orlando, Florida. The day we went there was the highlight of our vacation and a highlight of my childhood.
I went on the vacation with my mom, dad, and brother Jake. My parents are both generous and loving people. My dad is the jokester of the family, always adding a spark to my day. As I’m often told, I am the spitting image of my mother. With her kind heart and glowing smile, she's won the hearts of many. My mom is also a photographer, and can always be seen with camera in hand, especially on vacation. Jake, my brother and friend, has always been a natural charmer; everyone seems to adore him. There’s no one I’d rather grow up with.

The day was close to perfect, with a few hiccups in the morning. We were a little late arriving, as we got lost on the way. While unloading the car a few days before, my mom also unloaded our maps and left them in the hotel room. After coming upon a Discovery Cove sign, my brother and I cheered; we had finally arrived. My dad was angry with my mom, but next it was her turn to be angry.

After arrival, we adorned in wetsuits and snorkels. We were also given special sunscreen that wouldn’t harm the dolphins. However, if you put too much on, your skin will turn extra white. My dad put a whole packet of the sunscreen on his head and face alone.

“Ed, you are going to look like a ghost in all my pictures!” protested my mom.

My dad argued, “Well at least I’m not going to be red and sunburnt!”

To this day, my family and I still tease him about how ghostly he looks in all our photographs.

Discovery Cove was a beautiful sight. The land was dominated by four large pools separated by sandy beaches and chairs for suntanning. Each pool is filled with new adventures such as tropical fish, stingrays, and even dolphins. The scent of sea salt is in the air. The setting was total paradise, complete with white sand beaches, palm trees, and tropical plants growing along the edges.

To begin our experience, we ventured over to the snorkeling pool. The pool contained a wide variety of colorful, tropical fish. The moment my face went in the water, I could see electric blue, red, yellow, and much more. After the blinding color and excitement subsides, a bit of fear sinks in as you start to look around. There, on the bottom of the pool, was a fake, wrecked ship. Peering out of a large hole in the side, much to my terror, were barracuda fish. Little fears come with swimming in my hometown in Minnesota, so this took my family by surprise. Little did we know, there was a pane of glass restricting the dangerous fish from attacking. Left with mixed emotions about the snorkel pool, we continued over to the stingray tank.

The stingray tank was a fun and interactive experience. This was a small and shallow pool, yet still filled with many stingrays. My dad, who beat me there, showed me a few tricks he’d picked up on. If you stood with your legs wide apart, they’ll swim between them. If you placed your hand right below the surface of the water, they’d come up from the bottom and pet themselves on your hand. Being interactively involved with nature, such as swimming with the fish and petting the stingrays, made me think more widely about the world. There are so many nature differences and new cultures I hardly ever get to experience.

To wrap up our day, we had an appointment with the dolphins. I’d been anticipating this moment the whole day. Standing in the shallow water with my family, the dolphin, and its trainer, I was practically bursting with excitement. Hutch, the dolphin, was full of tricks. He would whistle, roll over, and even flip on simple commands. I even got  to give him a kiss on the lips.

Finally, the moment I’d been anticipating the most arrived. Our trainer had announced that it was time to ride. After asking who’d like to go first, my dad and I immediately volunteered. We were to swim out to the deep water where Hutch would meet us and swim us in.

Before I knew it, I was off. With the breeze on my face, I felt so free. Feeling the wet, slick, rubbery dolphin I held made me feel wild. Trying to remember that exact moment is tough, but the one thing I know I felt was elation.
I was riding a dolphin.

The end of the day snuck up on us quickly. As I sat back, soaking up the last of the daylight, listening to dolphins whistle and click off in the distance, I was able to reflect on our day of chaos, adventure, and love. It was an unforgettable day spent alongside my favorite people, experiencing new things. Discovery Cove, with their blue waters and exotic fish, will always hold a special place in my heart. Driving past the Discovery Cove sign the second time was a completely different feeling.

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