Aliens: Real or Fake? | Teen Ink

Aliens: Real or Fake?

April 14, 2016
By SandyBangerz BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
SandyBangerz BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Aliens are quite possibly real. Would I consider myself a believer? Not really. When I was about six or seven years old I thought that aliens were completely real. I thought they were big, green monsters from a different planet. I would’ve never thought they were real if it weren’t for my older cousin. My cousin Mike always likes to tease me, but this time he went a little too far.

We were sitting in the back of my mom’s car on the way back to my house. “What’s that?” I asked Mike, pointing at the sky. “That’s an alien spaceship,” he responded. I looked at him in horror, almost about to cry. I had friends tell me about aliens before, but I never thought that I would see an actual spaceship. This was terrifying to me.

“Aliens are very scary,” he said connivingly. I was about to burst out into tears, but I knew if I did he would bother me even more. He wouldn’t lie to me, would he? He kept talking about it even though I kept screaming at him to stop. “Calm down, there’s nothing to be scared about until they decide to land on earth,” he said about to burst out laughing. Finally, I had enough and started to cry. My mom noticed that I was freaking out and asked what was wrong.

“Mike said that Aliens are real and they’re going to land on earth,” I screamed, barely able to get any words out.

“It’s okay, calm down,” she replied, “Michael why would you tell him that, say you’re sorry!” she exclaimed.

“I thought it would be funny,” Mike said, still laughing.

“So, aliens aren’t real?” I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes.

“Of course they are, didn’t you see the spaceship.”

“Michael! Stop it!” My mom shouted.

Mike stopped talking quickly. We sat in utter silence for the rest of the car ride. Although my mom had said that aliens aren’t real, I still believed Mike. I had never been this scared of something in my life. After we got home, my aunt picked Mike up and left. I went straight to my room and laid down in my bed. I tried to fall asleep, but every sound I heard frightened me. The stairs creaked every time someone walked up or down the stairs. I never knew if it was an alien or just one of my family members. The scariest sounds that I heard were the hot engines of planes soaring over my house.

Every plane that I heard I immediately thought that it was an alien spaceship. I quickly ducked under my covers like a meerkat hiding from a hyena. As I laid on my bed with the covers over my head, I thought about what would happen if aliens were real and they actually landed on earth. What would they do? What would they look like? I only had bad thoughts about aliens after I asked these questions. Not knowing the answers to these questions were the scariest part. I didn’t know anything about them and that feeling of uncertainty really concerned me.

The only things I heard about aliens were bad especially coming from Mike. I thought that they could do anything and be anything. I thought they would easily be able to get into my house. This idea really concerned me. I hoped that aliens weren’t real and that everything I heard about them was fake. My cousin had petrified me and made me scared of something that doesn’t even exist. Aliens have cost me a lot of sleep and energy and now that I know that they aren’t proven to be real, I am not scared at all.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece because being afraid of aliens effeted my childhood.

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