Illusion, Revise, Incredible, Challenge, Life | Teen Ink

Illusion, Revise, Incredible, Challenge, Life

December 14, 2017
By HuyenNguyen SILVER, San Jose, California
HuyenNguyen SILVER, San Jose, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Finally, all shining light is gone. Time for the Sun to go to sleep and Moon is starting to work with everyone in their dreams. Stars twinkling in the bubbles, flashes of my memories, that floating around and shown what I have done in the past. I am flying into many places that I have been visited, from when I was born until who I am today.


 I was born in a village, Vietnam, for about fourteen years which the memoir of my old life I would not ever forget. Fly to the bubble shining in front of my eyes, I touched it then a white blank light appeared, it feels like I am just waking up lying in the dream world and excited to explore it. In a moment, it let me see my dear house, neighborhoods and my friends again.


I am walking on the road that I´d missed, which the ground that crooked and when there’s a rain down, the soil became soft and wet. It is hard to walk on but it is really fun. Cross throughout my neighbors, I saw myself as a child playing with many other kids. Many expressions spread out of my face, from sad to happy, angry to calm, and mad with joy… Then I´ve reached my house, from the outside still looked the same, I saw the illusion of my family which each person work on different of our own matter. Today is Sunday, everyone is staying home and relax. My father is chopping wood, get ready to cook for lunch. My mother is washing clothes early in the morning so that when the sun rises up, it will dry faster for us to wear. My older brother is busying on his homework. And the neighbors came and play together with us, me and my younger brother, on different traditional games such as jumping rope and play marbles…

 It is time for lunch and everyone go to their homes to eat. As well as my family, my mom cooked, she called us in a sweet voice:

“Cm tra a sn sang. Ba va cac con vao n nao” means "lunch is ready. Everyone comes eat!" We are running to the table and eat without knowing what is happening around us. Later, we are going to take a nap for about an hour. And just like that, we are ready to sleep for the night.

 On weekdays, everyone wakes up early and get busier. Breakfast is ready for us with a warm meal by my mom little hands but so strong. Now, I think she is so amazing and feel sorry for her to go through such hard works every day.


My mom calls us out to eat, she called, “Các con, n sáng nào’’ means “Sweeties, breakfast ready.” ...


But I feel like I am not standing up from the bed. I keep hearing my mom calling me… And suddenly, my dream start slowly disappearing. Then I opened my eye and saw my mom standing in front of me. The Sun already rise up and my day starts over again.

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