One Person Every So Often | Teen Ink

One Person Every So Often

September 30, 2018
By MissMatthews BRONZE, La Marque, Texas
MissMatthews BRONZE, La Marque, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm only 17 , and I feel like I done experienced so much already. By me witnessing a lot of things , my mindset is way beyond my generation. Some people may call it wise , and some people may call it unusal. I personally feel like it's a blessing and a curse. 

My generation is so focused on sex , drugs , alcohol and etc. Me on the other hand I feel like I done had my fun , and now it's time for me to worry about on what shall be. Sometimes I want to drink , get my mind off things , and do things I have no buisness doing. But I ask myself? Who am I hurting? Who and what would this affect? What will be the outcome of this? 

The blessing is that a lot of people want to change in they late 20s, mid 30s , but I have enough knowledge to change now. People don't start looking at whats the right thing to do until later in life. Some choose to do it that way , because in the youth years of life, a lot of us are ignorant. We want to do what everybody else is doing , and if God forgave us for all of our sins? What's the hold up? But that right there is taking life for granted. Once we are aware of what shall be , our mind and actions should automatically change. You never know when life can be taken away from you, so we can't get caught up in our way of living. I'm far from a saint , but once I was given the opportunity to see different and do different I did.

The curse is that its so rare to find somebody in my age range that think the way I do , and do the things I do. I get called lame , weird , " old-fashioned " , and because of my old selfish ways I get called fake or a character. I start to feel so a lone in this world , and I start to question myself? " Is it really worth it? " But then I run across signs, people, and activities that reminds me why is it important to be the chain breaker. So many people are waiting for you to fail your mission! To hurt and deny the people that brought you closer to what shall be. You shouldn't let people that isn't proud of your progress , guide you back to ground zero.

It's okay to be different , everybody loves rare. It's so surprising to run across the young wise. I feel like a shining star! We are the ones life gets once evry so often.

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